
Drones in construction management aren’t anything new. However, the industry progresses, and drones can now fly fully autonomous. With the ability to monitor the construction site from all angles, drones have improved safety within construction zones and allowed engineers to detect minor problems before they become significant issues.

In addition to helping construction companies save money by preventing accidents at the job site that lead to injuries or death, commercial drones can also identify structural problems that would hide from the naked eye. Companies can become responsible for fewer repairs and damages with this ability to identify potential issues.

I first heard about drones in construction at the Association of Equipment Manufacturers show in 2016. A company called Drone Deploy had a booth there, and they were showing how they could use drones to monitor progress on large projects. It sounded pretty cool, but it seemed like something that would stay in the realm of concept rather than becoming a mainstream product.

The company took that idea and made it into a functional working system a year later. On May 17th, 2017, Drone Deploy announced their new construction app, allowing contractors to see live aerial maps of construction sites using drones rather than humans. From there, they can check in on progress and make sure that everything is going as planned and that no problems have developed.

 As we know, commercial drones can do this more accurately than humans simply by not having a human presence at all. By removing the human element from the process and leaving only the pieces of equipment, it is easier for construction companies to monitor the site progress of the entire construction project without anyone physically checking on them.

One of the key points behind this new system is that it allows for real-time updates which can be accessed on mobile devices, giving companies a better understanding of what is going on with their projects and how they’re coming together. It also enables them to see any potential problems before they become serious issues. Construction companies will have access to better information and use that information to keep projects on track.

The future is here:

 Companies will monitor their sites in real-time, which is a huge benefit considering how much work it takes to get that initial project set up. Commercial drone company Skycatch has already started utilizing the construction app for its projects. Unmanned aerial vehicles are changing construction practices more than ever before.

The technology is improving and becoming more accessible for companies of all sorts, and by getting involved now, construction companies can use drone technology to improve how they do business.

The future of the construction site is here, so there’s no time like the present to get on board. Drone technology will have a significant impact on this industry, so it’s crucial that you understand the change and how it will affect the future of construction.


We all know that using drones in construction projects is a big deal, but it's happening!

Drones help project managers monitor progress and diagnose problems in real time, rather than picking apart steps that have already been completed. Construction sites can be dangerous when dealing with heavy machinery, lots of people and a lot of debris. Using drones in construction reduces mitigation efforts because small mistakes don’t get bigger. Visual data and a 360° view are beneficial when digging or drilling, as fewer workers are needed near heavy machinery.

Time management

Wasted time is something no project manager wants on their jobsites, but it often happens when tasks are done in the wrong order or in the wrong place. The solution is to introduce drones into the construction industry, as they can monitor the construction process and give contractors a better overview. There are many benefits to using drones in construction, but this article focuses on how drones can help companies monitor everything in real time and improve their projects as a result. These changes are happening across the industry, so it’s important to know what they are and why everyone should care.

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Construction site monitoring

Another significant benefit of drones in construction is progress reporting: Drones give clients a clear picture of progress on-site, especially when clients cannot be on site. Drones can also help improve communication between multiple stakeholders. When inspecting a construction site, they can transmit real-time high-resolution visual and thermal images of your site. Construction teams, engineers, project managers, staff, and owners can simultaneously access this information to monitor and fix any problems.

The use of drones in construction is the next big step in this industry. Project managers use unmanned aerial vehicles for various purposes, and because they remove the human element from the process, they increase productivity and accuracy, among many other benefits.

The various kinds of accurate data that drones can collect from the entire site during construction are invaluable to managers who want to make decisions about their construction projects. Drones allow managers to get a bird’ eye view of the construction site to observe construction progress and analyze any problems. They can also take precise measurements on the site to show details of multiple angles, especially when working with 3D models.

Eight Trillion a Year: Big Opportunities for Drones in Construction

Eighty billion a year—this is what construction costs are. However, this was very unproductive. Commercial construction projects typically are over budget and run 80% behind schedule. The inefficiency mentioned above presents enormous opportunities for drone use in construction. In CAD, everything appears on-screen flawlessly. On the site, it’s a lot different. And the most significant difference between theory and truth is that $3 trillion of this $8 trillion has been lost by changing orders, reworking, and scheduling errors. Drones are geared towards filling this space.

Benefits of Drones in Construction

The biggest benefit is monitoring and diagnosing the progress of a project or operation. Eliminating the human element means greater accuracy and a better ability to spot small errors before they become big problems. This may seem like a big deal, but consider how long it would take to complete the project using traditional methods if every step of the process had to be checked by a human.

Other benefits of drones in construction include:
– Remote monitoring and progress reports
– Accurate data collection and up-to-date information from a site during construction that’s invaluable to managers who want to make decisions about their construction project.
– Ability to inspect a construction site and surrounding environment from high above.
– Ability to take precise measurements on the job site show details of multiple angles, take volumetric measurements especially when working with 3D models.
– Consistent updates that can be accessed simultaneously by both construction managers and workers. This makes it easy for project managers to respond quickly to any problems identified by drones.
– An improved success rate is due to minor human error because employees can reference and rely on the aerial images and data collected by drones to make correct decisions instead of using their own human judgment.
– Drones can help monitor project progresses from above, including safety and perimeter security issues that might not be visible from the ground.


It is a short article, but it includes a lot of background information on the topic without going too in-depth. This way, people can use this knowledge as a basis for their projects instead of taking someone else’s word for it or doing additional research from now on.

Drone technology will have a massive impact on this industry, so it’s vital that you know the change and how it affects your business practices. It is an excellent time for companies that get involved early. Using drones in construction has a lot of benefits, so the sooner you get involved, the better.

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